Thursday, June 4, 2015

online friend

assalamualaikum earthlings :)

oh god,i think i got insomnia. haha. cant sleep. so let me update my blog :) oh,i got a message from my online friend. he makes me tear xD sis ta kuad. haha xD

i knows him since 2013 if im not mistake. he such a good friend of mine. he is the one who always send me morning text and night text. but for a couples of weeks i didnt get it bcoz he is so busy i guess.then tonight he send me this text. im so touched :`) im gonna miss our chat for sure.we used to talk about cat. he is a cat lover too :) oh i gonna miss you too :/ i hope we will still keep in touch <3 nbsp="" p="">

i am sure most of us got our own online friend. well said,online friend do come and go ,same like reallife friend. but some of them will stay. yeah, i still get contact with my online friend who i know since last six year. wohoo ! most of them are boys. few r girls. thanks for stay.they r like brother sister to me. yeah i feel so comfortable when have chat with them xD amirul ikhwan is one of my online friend who is crazier.hahaha. my friend always think that he is my bf. lol. he`s not. i know him since last five year xD some of them i do met bfore,but some of themnever met.but all of them r crazier like me,thats y we can b friend xD love you xD


Najmi Nawawi said...

online friend? kalau saya kawan kawan game online ramai. haha

Shafiqah Rashid said...

haha. sy game online xpndai main.coc pon xphm nak war cmne. hahaha xD but still got friend from coc xD